Rock Wallabies

Allied Rock Wallabies

The Allied Rock Wallabies at the Old  Arcadia Barge Jetty, Geoffrey Bay are a beautiful colony of rock wallabies highly advertised for tourists to visit and feed. Over the years the condition of the wallabies became poor, the population decreasing. The wallabies have been given, over the years, food that was not appropriate.

When the pandemic began in 2020 we realised , with the loss of tourism the food supply would be gone. We worried that the wallabies may suffer as they had become dependent on supplied food eliminating the  need to forage. We also realised this would be a good time to feed the right foods and improve the health of the wallabies. We started feeding them grasses in the mornings and put in 2 water stations. The population has increased with many joeys and is a healthy colony.

To this day we still do the morning grass feeds.  

Feeding information found on Facebook ……Rock Wallabies at the Old Arcadia Barge Jetty, Geoffrey Bay.