Wallaby refuge is a facility with all essentials needed for assessment and treatment of new admission joeys, to rehabilitate and raise through to the time they are either released on the island (Rock Wallabies) or are transferred to the mainland when they weigh 3 kg. (Agile Wallabies) for their continuing Stage 2 care. Agile Wallabies are not indigenous to Magnetic Island, introduced in the 1980’s by accidental escape from the original Koala Wildlife Park and then further released in 2003 prior to the closing of the original park.
Set-up including milk, bottles of various size, variety teats, pouches, food, special orphan treatments, Incubator, bassinettes, inside exercising enclosures, outside enclosures….. everything needed to raise healthy joeys.
Run by educated carers specialised in wallaby joeys.