About Us

About Our Refuge

Wallaby Refuge on Magnetic Island is the fully established emergency response for island wallaby JOEYS

Along with specialising in the Wallaby we are also a resource helping people and  wildlife coexist in this very special island environment.

About Me

As a wildlife carer on Magnetic Island, Qld.  I saw the cases of injured and orphaned animals  coming into care were most often wallabies mainly from motor vehicle incidents with females usually having a joey in the pouch. Over time, seeing the numbers continuing to increase,  I saw a need and I had a dream for a specialised REFUGE FOR WALLABY JOEYS. 

Started in 2010 with now over 228 ‘Wallaby Refuge on Magnetic Island’  joeys successfully raised and released …………….this is MY DREAM come true.   

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Years On Magnetic Island


With Magnetic Island having a copious amount and variety of wildlife it is a natural move to investigate the world of wildlife care on the island. Arriving on Magnetic Island in 2007 I started my journey as a Macropod ( wallaby and kangaroo) Joey carer. After three years of experience and training the Wallaby Refuge on Magnetic Island began in 2010, the first and only facility established specifically for the rescue and care of wallaby joeys.